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Client Testimonial

from: Sarah-Jane Clarke

Lorraine is incredibly intuitive and just instinctively knows what you need out of each session, adapting each one to ensure you get the maximum out of it.
She pushes me to the best of my ability, but without being ‘pushy’ …she works with me and supports me and gives me the confidence to believe that I can do it.

I’ve always been very much in to my health and fitness, but life and all it’s pressures… and shift work and the fatigue that comes with that, took me away from the gym for a while and by the time I was ready to get back in to it, I’d completely lost my confidence and felt at a total loss as to where to start so I knew I’d really benefit from some help from a personal trainer.

I used to work in a gym that Lorraine trained at and I’d always admired her, her knowledge, the way she trained, the way she was with people, her energy and her dedication to her sport …so I knew instantly who to call.

I’ve been training with Lorraine for almost 5 months now and she’s completely changed my life, not just physically, but mentally, I’m so much stronger not only in my body, but also in my mind.

Lorraine is incredibly intuitive and just instinctively knows what you need out of each session, adapting each one to ensure you get the maximum out of it.

She pushes me to the best of my ability, but without being ‘pushy’ …she works with me and supports me and gives me the confidence to believe that I can do it.

It’s so easy to get carried away with life and the world we live in, that we forget how important it is to invest time in ourselves and to be the fittest and healthiest we can be and Lorraine has not only helped me to realise that, but has also shown me how to achieve it.

I leave every session feeling motivated, strong, uplifted and ready for the next one!!

Thank you Lorraine, you truly are one in a million!

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